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Sandpaper Sally

Too Late The Hero
Peter Flierl
Brett Monten

Written by Sneaky Pete many years ago with essentially only one verse, a chorus, an intro and an outro, the song began its existence under the name "Nothing Really Matters."  Turn the clock forward some 8 years, add some additional verses from PlanB frontman, Brett Monten, and we have a very melodic set pleaser which now exists under the title of "Sandpaper Sally."


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Too Late The Hero

Music Video(s)

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Filmed largely on location in Shanghai, with live footage shot at various venues during the band's "Second Time Around' Tour of China in mid 2014, the video features Brett and local actress Xinyu Zhang telling the story of life on the road for a Rock'nRoll star, having to balance the 'image' (represented by the goatee, which Xinyu dislikes) and demands of touring with personal time away from the band.