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New Ways To Love You

Hello Dear Stranger
Peter Flierl
Adrian Miller

First lyric written after surgery for a serious illness, reflecting on a long term relationship that still had a future if an effort was made. Originally envisaged as a slow soulful ballad, the song did not seem to work for PlanB until the idea was mooted to give it a reggae/ska feel.


PlanB is an 8-piece alternative rock/ska band from Australia that explores all the various styles and genres that encompass rock, rhythm and blues and ska music. 'New Ways To Love You' is a track off their 2021 full length release entitled Hello Dear Stranger. PlanB are no newbies, as they have been around for decades, but recently reformed in 2010 and have since been cranking out generally happy, upbeat tunes great for picking up your mood and getting you through your day. Consisting of a solid horn section, distinctive vocals, a rocksteady rhythm section and classic reggae style guitar and organ to help fill out the sound.

Personally I feel the horn section is pivotal to PlanB's unique sound and overall style. But honestly PlanB isn't just another typical ska band, they continually explore other genres and incorporate these sounds into their own individual style, thus creating their particular sound. 'New Ways To Love You' is brimming with harmonious melodies, engaging rhythms, catchy horns, tasty drum fills and an overall full sound which all come together to help create the song's inspirational and light-hearted feel.

'New Ways To Love You' is a perfect example of the type of feel-good sunny day music that PlanB creates. Anyone who is a fan of traditional rhythm and blues, rock and reggae will enjoy the sounds of PlanB.

Erik Anderson
March 22, 2023



Hello Dear Stranger

Music Video(s)

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PlanB's latest music video release returns to the exotic and sometimes mysterious locations of South-East Asia, perfectly complementing the Carribean-infused sounds of ‘New Ways To Love You’ (NWTLY).

Filmed entirely in Laos and Cambodia during the band’s Magical Mekong Tour, the NWTLY clip showcases PlanB’s adventures as the band traverses both countries via a variety of means. From the shallows of Fish Island in southern Cambodia, to the ‘slow train’ to Battambang, and then finally to the picturesque beauty that is Luang Prabang (the historic capital of Laos), the scenery perfectly complements the contagious melody and rhythms of NWTLY.